"AxxessConnect (AXCI) announced that it surpassed the 100 telecom circuit implementation mark and generated double digit revenue growth in 2005. AXCI issued the announcement at the 2006 SpaceComm Trade show and conference at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs."
9559 South Kingston Court l Englewood, CO 80112

Denver, Colorado (April 12,, 2011) -- AxxessConnect today announced that it was awarded a $580,000 contract by the Department Of Defense, Defense Information Services Agency (DISA), to install and maintain a leased 10 gigabit wave backbone trunk between two unclassified locations in Florida.
AxxessConnect was selected by DISA as the preferred contractor to provide telecommunications to DISA’s NIPERNET network. NIPERNET is the non-classified Internet Protocol Routing Network, which is utilized for transmitting unclassified Department of Defense and federal agency traffic. DISA’s selection was based on AxxessConnect’s excellent past performance and by providing the most competitive pricing. “We are very pleased to be selected by DISA from a list of four vendors competing for this opportunity says Walker Fleming, CEO, AxxessConnect. This is a backbone trunk and is the largest circuit that any telecommunications company can provide to its customers”.
AxxessConnect provides high-speed telecommunications and IT staff Augmentation services to governmental agencies in the US and Canada. AxxessConnect has implemented over 260 circuits since opening its doors for business in 2002.
AxxessConnect is a minority-owned, SDB, veteran-owned Telecommunications/IT Solutions Company. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, AxxessConnect designs, installs and monitors telecom circuits for large government clients including DISA, the Pentagon, and the White House.
For more information on AxxessConnect call 866-820-5151 or visit the website at www.axxessconnect.com.
Minority and Veteran Owned l GSA Certified l DBE
Call for a quote today! 720.254.4598